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This is the B2B website and dealer portal of Top-Cousins Oy. Our public online store can be found at

Stoo® Active ergonomics

Stoo® Active ergonomics

Stoo® products support active working in diverse operating environments. According to the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, a sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest health threats in our country. Because static sitting kills, it also undermines significant productivity and competitiveness in working life. Studies show that leisure-time exercise alone is not enough to reverse the disadvantages of static sitting during the workday, the body should be kept active during the workday as well.

  • Stoo® Mobile Ergo-Set

    Improve the ergonomics of laptop working by lifting the screen higher and using a separate vertical mouse and mini-keyboard. Working with a laptop ...

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  • Stoo® Mobile bag

    A small and convenient bag that carries a 6D mini vertical mouse, a Stoo® mini keyboard and a Spider laptop stand, other similar computer accessori...

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