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This is the B2B website and dealer portal of Top-Cousins Oy. Our public online store can be found at

Stoo® Active Ball - Ø75 cm - Dark grey

SKU 190411
  • The diameter of the ball is 75 cm
  • Seat height approx. 65-70 cm depending on the degree of filling of the ball and the weight of the user
  • Weight limit 180 kg
  • Felt cover (50% wool fabric, 50% synthetic fiber)
  • Non-slip sole
  • Carrying handle
  • The product includes a foot pump to fill the product for use

With Stoo® Active ball you can sit in an ergonomic position and strengthen and improve body position and good posture. Using Stoo ® office ball you strengthen midriff back and legs muscles. Active ball prevents static suspension in back. Non-stable base keeps user in good sitting position easier. Besides sitting, you can use the ball as training equipment and for stretching, as well as for balance training.

The Stoo® active ball coating is made of a stylish and comfortable felt fabric. The fabric is removable and machine washable. The non-slip surface material at the bottom holds the ball in place and the carrying handle makes it easy to move the ball.

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