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This is the B2B website and dealer portal of Top-Cousins Oy. Our public online store can be found at

Hima Magic Boksi standing desk - Spirited Oak

SKU 300301
  • A great ergonomic product for remote working
  • Boost your productivity and creativity
  • Working and storage solution as part of home décor
  • Patented Finnish innovation, made in Finland
  • Load capacity 15 kg
  • Made of sustainable Finnish birch plywood with Spirited Oak laminate

The Magic Boksi is a patented Finnish innovation. With it, you improve the ergonomics of laptop work and you can also use it for many other needs. In this box you can store cords, chargers and your computer or other items.

The cover of the Magic Boksi, which is at the same time a worktop, can be adjusted to four different heights and used also tilted as a reading stand for a computer or tablet. The boxes can also be safely stacked on top of each other. Magic Boksi also has convenient feed holes for cables.

The product is made in Finland from 14 mm thick durable birch plywood, which is laminated. The material is known for its strength and durability so the product is guaranteed to last.

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